We are one of leading company in Safety Training. We deliver a range of Onshore, Offshore Health and Safety training courses online, in the classroom, via distance and even in-house learning. Our consultancy services includes risk assessments, audits and inspections.
NOIAA CORP training centers puts the learner at the centre of its business. Each touchpoint has been designed to deliver the optimum learning experience that complies with government regulations, and is supported by a framework that provides consistent outcomes. All our materials describing our training courses are created to be accurate, easy-to-understand, relevant and compliant. We market our training courses and operations with integrity, and align with the needs of our stakeholders, including our collaborators, regulators and clients. This ensures participants and their employers can be confident the training they undertake is relevant and can be applied in the workplace. investment in a dedicated product development team ensures training participants are provided with high standard training material and a consistent experience regardless of which centre they attend. This is achieved through a nationally-consistent framework including exercise briefs and marking guides.
We are always available for all your safety training needs, including onsite trainings.
Trusted by over 470 companies world wide