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NOIAA general Manager

Board of directors


Group General Counsel - Africa & Europe

Sylvie is NOIAA’s Group General Counsel with responsibility for the company’s legal, ethics and compliance functions.

Before joining NOIAA in January 2018, Sylvie was General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at NickCery International Safety Training Services.

Starting her career as a private practice lawyer, Sylvie was formerly a long-term leader at Baker Hughes and General Electric one of the world’s largest energy services companies, latterly serving as Executive Counsel for its product lines. With more than 15 years of legal and risk management experience, Sylvie has lived and worked in a variety of global locations including the Australia, Africa, US, Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific.
Sylvie received her law degree from the University of Perth, Australia and undertook her undergraduate studies at the University of London in the UK.